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Intra-EU Case Study: Blair Consular Services and a Leading Global Online Retailer


Blair Consular Services partnered with a leading global online retailer to address the challenges faced by their intra-EU assignees regarding local settlement documentation. The client’s EU mobility team identified gaps in document support, prompting a close collaboration with Blair’s Document Services team. The creation of a self-service portal has provided assignees and their families with streamlined access to necessary documents, resulting in improved efficiency and cost savings for the client.

Our client’s challenge

Intra-EU assignees working at a global online retailer highlighted significant challenges in obtaining the necessary documents to settle locally. This issue affected their ability to integrate smoothly into new locations and created additional administrative burdens for the client’s EU mobility team.

The client conducted an investigation to understand the specific documentation issues faced by assignees. They identified several scenarios where support was lacking and determined that the existing processes were inadequate for the diverse needs of their employees.

Working with Blair

Seeking a solution, the client reached out to Blair Consular Services. They were introduced to Blair’s Document Services team, who proposed the development of a self-service portal. This innovative approach was designed to empower assignees to handle their document requests independently.

Implementation of Blair’s solution

Blair’s team met with the retailer’s EU mobility team to thoroughly understand their findings and the specific documentation needs of their assignees. Following this, Blair developed a user-friendly portal that enabled assignees to place orders for the required documents. The portal was designed to be intuitive, ensuring that users could navigate it easily without extensive training. The portal was integrated into the retailer’s existing systems, allowing seamless case initiation. Blair’s knowledgeable team provided ongoing support to ensure the portal’s effectiveness and user satisfaction.

Outcomes and business impact

Enhanced access to support

Assignees and their families now have direct access to document support, reducing the time and effort required to obtain necessary documents.

Centralized platform

The retailer benefits from a centralized platform for document requests, simplifying case management and improving oversight.

Consistent service across markets

Blair’s solution ensures consistent service delivery across all markets, maintaining high standards of support regardless of location.

Cost savings

The implementation of uniform pricing with discounts for subsequent document requests has reduced costs for assignees’ families, providing financial relief.

Overall, the client has reported significant improvements in the efficiency and satisfaction of their intra-EU assignees. The self-service portal has streamlined the document request process, leading to faster settlements and happier employees. The cost savings have also contributed to the retailer’s bottom line, demonstrating the value of Blair’s solution.

Contact Blair today

For companies facing similar challenges with employee mobility and documentation, Blair Consular Services offers tailored solutions to meet your needs. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your organization achieve seamless global mobility.

Europe-wide legalization services

Blairs can now offer legalization for both shipping and legal documentation throughout Europe. We also provide a fully electronic Certificate of Origin service for these markets. Please contact us if you have a requirement.

Public Holidays

Please note the following public holidays:
Department of State will be closed June 20, July 18 and August 22. Blairs will be open but processing times may be delayed.
Blairs will be closed on the following dates:
• May 25-28 for Memorial Day
• June 22-25
• July 5-6 Independence Day
• November 21-23 Thanksgiving
• December 24-26 Christmas


Blair are pleased to announce the opening of a new office in Washington DC, USA. Coupled with our current European legalisation facilities, this new venture allows us to offer more efficient and cost effective international services to our UK clients, in addition to providing more specialised consular services to the US market. Please contact our sales department for further information.